Fanore National School - News

John Joe Scanlon Memorial Cup

June 10th, 2024

Each year the children produce a piece of writing to celebrate John Joe Scanlon and enter into a competition for the John Joe Scanlon Memorial Cup. This year the children produced travel brochures on Fanore highlighting all the wonderful aspects of their local area.  An outside adjudicator evaluated their brochures and 2 runners up, 2nd place and the overall winner was announced. Congratulations to all!


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Girls Football Final

June 8th, 2024

Congratulations to our Girls Football team for making into the county final once again this year in Cusack Park! Although the result didn’t go their way it was an amazing achievement to get to the county final. Many thanks to Múinteoir Mary for her hard work and dedication in organising and coaching the team. A special mention to Suzie, who was our caption for the blitz!

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Junior Room School Tour

June 6th, 2024

Today, the children in the junior room went to the Burren Nature Sanctuary for their school tour. We had great fun feeding the animals, visiting the fairies and playing in the playgrounds.

Burren Nature Sanctuary

Hurling Primary Game

June 5th, 2024

Best of luck to Tadhg McCarthy as he lines out for Clare as part of the primary half time game during the Munster Hurling Final Clare vs Limerick this Sunday. A fantastic achievement to be chosen to represent the county and we are all very proud of him here in Fanore!



Calf and Cuckoo Fieldtrip

June 5th, 2024

Many thanks to Karen and BurrenBeo Calf and Cuckoo Programme for a fantastic day at the Michael Cusack Centre. The children explored many aspects of the Burren including the flora and fauna, history and geology of the area and more.

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Mosaic Mural

June 1st, 2024

The masterpiece is complete! Thanks very much to Nathalie, BLAST arts in education and the Heritage Keepers programmes!


Boys Semi-Final

May 30th, 2024

The boys team played their hearts out today in a tough semi-final against Kilkee-Moyasta. Unfortunately the result didn’t go our way on the day but we are very proud of the team!


Ficheall Chess Hour

May 30th, 2024

Children from 3rd to 6th took part in Ficheall Chess Hour to celebrate Ireland hosting the European Schools Chess Championship this year. Maybe some of these young players will compete in years to come!


Say Yes to Languages

May 29th, 2024

Les élèves de 3ème à 6ème ont vraiment apprécié leur cours de Français de 8 semaines avec Claire!

The children in 3rd to 6th class really enjoyed their 8 week course of French lessons with Claire!


Fleadh Nua Concert

May 28th, 2024

Fanore school was honoured to be one of only ten schools chosen to take part in the Fleadh Nua concert series in Ennis. The senior room children prepared a forty minute concert which included music and song in a variety of genres. What talented musicians, singers and articulate speakers we have in Fanore!
Click the links below to hear some clips!


