Fanore National School - News

Seashore Safari

June 7th, 2013

Today, we took advantage of the sunshine and our idyllic location to venture down to the beach for a seashore safari.

We found a giant crab on the beach!

RTÉ Radio

June 7th, 2013

Today, our bog fundraising idea was discussed on RTÉ Radio!

Have  a listen!!rii=


More from the Bog

June 4th, 2013

Many hands make light work!!

Bog Time

June 4th, 2013

Today, we went to the bog. This was a first time experience for some of our children. We turned the turf and some of the turf was footed. Parents and members of the community also came to help us with the work. This is a fundraising initiative thought up by Christina O’Connor. The idea is that we turn, foot and bag the turf over the next few weeks. Thereafter, we will sell the turf in bags to people. All monies raised will be given to the school. Thank you to all who came today and a special thanks to Christina O’Connor and Jimmy  Howard.

A Day in the Bog

May 31st, 2013

On Tuesday, all the children will be brought to the bog.

We intend to turn the turf on this day!

Don’t forget to look out for the photos!

Cake Sale-June 2nd

May 26th, 2013
We will be holding a Cake Sale on June 2nd in Fanore Church after 9.30am mass!
cake clip art 3 255x252

Confirmation Class 2013

May 23rd, 2013

Congratulations to Isabelle and Jessica on making their Confirmation on Wednesday.


May 13th, 2013

Confirmation will take place on May 22nd @11am in Fanore Church.


Our Fingerprints

May 9th, 2013

As part of Science, we took our fingerprints.

How different they look when put under the magnifying glass!

Our identical twins with their fingerprints!!!

Beach Clean Up

May 3rd, 2013

Today, we walked to the beach equipped with our refuse sacks and gloves for our beach clean up! Despite the Atlantic winds blowing on us, we worked hard and filled alot of sacks!

It is all about teamwork!!

The team gains 2 more!

And they pulled and they pulled!!!!

Well done to all the children who worked so hard today.

Also a big thank you to Christina and Thomas for joining us!